Remember Michael Avenatti? Stormy Daniels' lawyer & CNN's Presidential hopeful for 2020?

Avenatti is the arrogant guy who predicted Trump Jr. would be indicted in 2018. Well, Avenatti was just sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for extortion. He cried in the courtroom.

What people don't know about Avenatti is the back story about who funded him to take down President Trump. I wrote about this in 2018.
Michael Avenatti is not only a Democratic operative who has worked for Joe Biden and Rahm Emanuel, he also worked with the trillionaire Muslim Brotherhood Saudi Prince, Alaweed bin Talal, who was allegedly behind the Vegas massacre and who hates President Trump.
Alaweed bin Talal also hates reformer Saudi Crown Prince Salman, wants to control the Middle East and pays off our media and politicians to ignore and whitewash the threat of Communism & radical Islam in America. Read on.
Avenatti is a Democrat operative. Stormy Daniels is a Democrat operative. They were all PAID off by the Deep State to play a role. Read on:
Twitter is part-owned by Alaweed bin Talal. So is most of the major US media. Connect ALL the dots.

Alaweed bin Talal told Trump he would lose in 2016 and Trump told Alaweed he would never let him take over America with his daddy's money.
Remember, Alaweed is a Muslim Brotherhood extremist who wants to overthrow Saudi Arabia & install a new Caliphate in the Middle East. Alaweed is tied to Khashoggi who is also a Muslim Brotherhood extremist tied to Turkey's Erdogan, the defacto head of the Muslim Brotherhood, who funded 9/11 with bin Laden. Remember when Khashoggi was allegedly murdered in Erdogan's Turkey & they blamed Prince Salman? It all ties together. All the world's a stage. Read on:

Just as during WW2, when the NAZIs worked with the Muslim Brotherhood to try to take over Europe, today the Communists are working with the Muslim Brotherhood to take over the US and the free world. Why? They are mercenaries for the globalist banksters. Redistributing wealth. I don't believe the Holocaust was about religion - I believe it was about seizing the enormous wealth of the Jewish people and forcing them out of Europe.

Today, the atheist globalist BANKSTERS are trying to do the same thing to Judeo-Christian America. Follow the money.
Allegedly, Alaweed bin Talal was tying to assassinate Saudi Prince Salman in Vegas. He failed. That's the big cover up. Read on.
He was arrested after Vegas in Saudi Arabia and his assets frozen. President Trump took a trip to Saudi Arabia shortly after that.

I know this is a lot to digest - but once you understand how it's all tied together - you'll understand what's really going on in our world.
The Deep State is DEEP and WIDE. There are geopolitical schemes everywhere. There are numerous motives funded by numerous nefarious actors. The world is run by a small group of globalist BANKSTERS. They use terror & false flags & mercenaries & operatives to control populations, extract resources & enrich themselves. They create BIG pools of taxpayer money that they can steal from & launder for their own purposes.
When one group or one country becomes TOO wealthy or TOO independent they take steps to rein it in and redistribute the wealth to themselves. There is NOTHING they won't do to remain in power. NOTHING.
That's why I still believe the BUS TAPE was created in a studio by Paul Ryan & Mike Pence & Billy Bush to force President Trump out of the race one month before the 2016 election so they could run in his place.

Billy Bush worked for NBC's Today Show and is GW's & Jeb Bush's cousin. It all ties together. Billy Bush is the ONLY person who could verify that bus tape audio was real and that the conversation actually happened between him & Trump. Trump decided to seek forgiveness for something he did NOT do - knowing the coverup would be worse.
Read on:

For those who whine about President Trump and ask why he didn't do more - now you know why. Think about what he was up against. Think about how much he did and how far he came. Think about all the evil in this world that's been exposed. The fact that we are having forensic audits & rallies & hope again isn't benign. It's literally an act of God. The great awakening. Good against evil. And God wins!

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Please read the in-depth reports I've written on many subjects. It's information you need to know to make informed decisions.
For my in-depth report on George Floyd, click here.
For my in-depth report on the truth about the Wuhan virus, click here.
On Biden, Romney, Kerry & Ukraine/China collusion, click here.
On Hyperinflation, click here.
On the Koch Brothers Libertarians, click here.
On Drag Queen Story Hour, click here.
On the fall of Fox News, click here.
On Communism in America, click here.
On birthright citizenship & anchor babies, click here.
On the Parkland Massacre, click here.
On the Vegas Massacre, click here.
On Marijuana Legalization, click here.
On the Coup against Nixon, click here.
On evidence of Election Fraud, click here.
If you live in the Twin Cities, and are looking for a new church home, may I recommend my church at 609 W. Travelers Trail in Burnsville, Minnesota. Pastor Londa Lundstrom Ramsey preaches Sunday mornings at 9:30am. If it's nice, service will be OUTSIDE on Sunday mornings. Amen! Pastor Wes Feltner preaches there Saturday evenings at 4:30pm and 6pm. Pastor Geoffrey Nyassani leads African Fellowship on Sundays at 4pm. There are many ways to worship & learn & find communion at this location. I encourage you to check it out! I love it!
Also, I have started an open AA meeting in Burnsville on Monday evenings at 6:30pm and plan speaker meetings soon. All are welcome. Please spread the word! Here are the details:
